Get Well and Thrive

About your 'Get Well and Thrive' host

Hello and welcome! My name is Dianne Ellis. I’m a Breathwork and Genome Healing practitioner, PSYCH-K® facilitator and PEMF frequency healing therapist. I am here to support you on your journey to optimal health and happiness!

I have overcome a number of life-threatening conditions and decades of chronic illness. I have also worked my way through some deep grief and trauma. Combined with the training that I have undertaken, I bring a lifetime of personal experience to my work.

I am especially passionate about helping people to find and release the underlying causes of their physical, mental or emotional health concerns so they can truly reach optimal health and happiness.

I love surfing, horse riding, photography and especially relaxing and having fun with family and friends. I’ve studied extensively the emotional, genetic and environmental connection to physical illness. An expert in mind/body healing I have an intricate understanding of how stress, hidden pathogens, and our experiences, can shape our whole self and well-being. Hosting a radio show called ‘The Healing Hour’ for six years at TLCfm, I have interviewed many holistic health care professionals and patients.

Health Information and Guidance


If only I knew then, what I know now. If only my parents knew this, how different my health and well-being would have been. But that’s why I’m here now, to share with you, information about all the treatments and healing methods I have found to be the most helpful. As I’ve discovered our bodies have an amazing self-healing ability when given the chance.

I have dedicated many years of my life to trialing and researching the best methods and treatments to improve and reclaim my health. I have seen countless doctors and health practitioners and used hundreds of medical, natural, complementary, alternative and controversial treatments. I just wish I knew thirty years ago, what I know now!

Don’t worry, you won’t have to use anywhere near the number of treatments and remedies in this photo here! I have done the hard work for you and selected the most effective methods I have found to activate your body’s own powerful self-healing abilities!

Patient Support

It”s very frightening when you are diagnosed with a condition or disease. It can also be overwhelming when you are unwell, don’t receive a diagnoses and can’t find any help. When I was still very sick I joined support groups, both in person and online. I took in huge amounts of information that was shared, learning about all of the treatments and methods that were working well for people, and what was not. Then I researched more, listening and talking to doctors who use these methods to help recover people recover from serious illnesses.

This greatly helped me to recover from my own chronic and life-threatening ill-health, and compelled me to go on to share the knowledge I had gained. I become a patient support worker and health coach and during the past decade I’ve supported thousands of people who were seriously ill.

I have discovered that no matter what physical, mental or emotional health challenge we are experiencing there is always hope, and there are always options to help us move towards optimal health and happiness.

Mind Body Healing

When I was pregnant with my first child I realized how much suppressed grief and trauma I was carrying, which in turn created stress, tension and energy blockages in my body. I met some wonderful and inspirational women who supported and guided me into motherhood. I began to realize how the separation from my mother at birth, and the loss of my adopted mother when I was 3 years old, was still affecting my physical and emotional well-being. I saw a counsellor which was very helpful, but the traumas I had experienced were pre-conscious memory and held deeply in my body. I began seeing a breath and bodywork practitioner and re-birther. I learnt to listen to my body and inner self, and allow the gentle release of emotional and energetic tension held within my body and subconscious mind. I set on a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment and experienced many small and large miracles.

My fascination of the connection between mind, body and spirit, and the effect that our emotions, thoughts and beliefs have on our health and happiness, has compelled me to study, learn and experience as much as I can in these areas.

Relationships and Life Transformation

There was a time when I thought my life was over. I was in pain every day, I had lost almost everything I had ever worked for and devoted my life to. Being there for my girls was the only thing that was keeping me going each day. That was until I studied Genome Healing, and one transformation process changed my life.

I had never met my birth father and I felt somehow it was holding me back from having a relationship. The relationship transformation process itself was profoundly healing, but the way my whole life transformed in the coming months was miraculous. A part of me that had been shut down all my life had awoken. The goddess within had arisen! I began to see some aspects of my life in whole a new way. Soon, the most beautiful, kind and caring man walked into my life. I found myself bathed in love like I had never experienced before.

I now love seeing the surprise when people experience the miracles and life transformation that can occur using these powerful mind/body processes.