Step by step formula to reach optimal health and happiness
You will be guided to:
You will learn to empower yourself, to make choices that are right for you and your health. To live from this place of strength each day, and allow more love, joy and health to fill your life.
Do you want a quick fix or magic pill to take away all your problems and make life how you want it to be?
If so, it’s probably best you go elsewhere. Or …
Do you want to put in real effort and get real results that last, for you and your family?
Do you want to let go of negative patterns carried down through your ancestors that may be affecting your physical, mental and energetic health?
Do you want to recreate the foundations for your sense of self and your health?
Do you want to live from a place of love, bliss and joy?
If so, this protocol is just what you’ve been looking for!
You might be interested in the whole self-healing protocol, you may choose to focus on the physical health aspects, or you might find the mind/body healing calling you. The choice is yours. Each area of this protocol has the potential to create profound results.
You can choose to participate in some or all of the health options provided each week. The aim is to re-establish a strong immune system and self-healing response in your body so you don’t need to take supplements or treatments.
I encourage you to be self sufficient. To find a simple source of tools that you can access from your local health shop or online to ensure you have easy access to what you need now and any time in the future if needed. The gene activation, cell health supplement and EMF protection can be bought from the shop on this site if you choose.
The approximate costs listed below in $AU may vary depending on where you source your products and their quality. A more detailed list is provided in the protocol.